Thesis Process
Proposal Stage
All students in the thesis stream are required to write a thesis proposal that is approximately 20 double-spaced pages (about 250 words per page).
Before beginning your proposal, it is important to sit down with your advisor to discuss particular content and length requirements and to discuss more detailed specifics about the proposal. It is expected that you will have a draft of your proposal submitted to your advisory committee before the start of the spring semester.
You should discuss appropriate timelines with your advisor to ensure that this occurs. After that, you will meet with your committee to discuss ways to strengthen your proposal.
When your committee has approved your proposal, they will sign a proposal approval form (available from the graduate program assistant). The graduate coordinator will also review this research proposal and sign the approval form. At this time, you are ready to proceed with your research.
A copy of your proposal and the signed approval form should be given to the graduate program assistant for your file.
Developing, Submitting & Defending Your Thesis
It is very important to remain in close contact with your advisor (and committee member as appropriate) when working on your thesis. Be disciplined in managing your time and working on researching and writing your project.
You should anticipate having to submit multiple revisions of material, so it is important not to underestimate the amount of time it will take you to produce a finished product. Your advisory committee determines whether your thesis is ready for oral defense.
Advisory committee members are required to inform you of the approximate time it will take for submitted written material to be returned with comments. If the expected time exceeds the normal two-week turnaround, advisory committee members must provide you and your advisor with an estimate of the time required.
You are responsible for learning about all appropriate deadlines and regulations associated with registration and graduation requirements. Aim to complete your thesis well in advance of the deadline.
The procedures for submitting your completed thesis and for the oral defence examination are in the Graduate Calendar.
The Finishing Touches
There is a set of forms to complete and submit to the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (OGPS) at the time of your final defense. The graduate program assistant will assist you with obtaining these forms.
When all your work is complete, the department chair will sign and submit a Recommendation for Graduation form to OGPS.
You must submit your completed thesis to the Atrium, the university's open access repository.
The CJPP program does not require a hard copy of your thesis, but please email a digital copy to the graduate program assistant.
When you are ready to graduate, submit the Application to Graduate form and, if you are eligible, an Early Completion Rebate form.
See Completion and Graduation on the OGPS site for more information.