Getting Started & Registration
When You Arrive
When you arrive, you should report to the graduate program assistant who will assist you with your first semester registration. Registration takes place through WebAdvisor. Please check the schedule of dates online to find out when registration and payment of fees is required:
Activating Registration
To activate your registration for each semester, you must use the following code: UNIV*7510 Active Full-time Registration. The code remains the same each semester. You may need to scroll around to locate an open section (for example: UNIV*7510, 04). You must register for at least one course.
If you are writing a thesis and have completed your courses, please register for UNIV*7500 Thesis/Research Writing. You are allowed to register your courses until the end of the "add" period. Please take note of the last date to do so.
Tuition and Payment of Fees
Shortly after you have completed your registration, you will be able to view your account on WebAdvisor. Check for announcements pertaining to the requirements and deadlines for fee payment for the next semester.
There are several options for fee payment: scholarship, debit, certified cheque, money order, or internet/telephone banking and wire transfer. Personal cheques and cash are not accepted. Scholarships are automatically applied to your tuition by Student Financial Services.
Key Program Contacts
Graduate Program Assistant
The graduate program assistant is the daily link between students and the program. They can advise on most administrative issues relating to matters such as course additions/deletions, deadlines, and leaves of absence.
Graduate Coordinator
The graduate coordinator is the academic head of the graduate program. They are responsible for approving your course selections for each semester and can give permission to substitute courses if appropriate. The graduate coordinator also approves advisory committees.
When students have successfully completed their thesis proposals, the graduate coordinator must approve them.
Graduate Committee
The graduate committee consists of the coordinator and two other faculty members, plus two students elected by the body of graduate students. The committee reads all MA application forms and selects those who will be offered a place in the program (the students do not participate in the selection process).
The committee considers course changes and changes to the structure of the program. Students should feel free to approach any member of the graduate committee for advice.
Graduate Representatives
The graduate representatives are elected in September by the graduate students. They attend and vote at all meetings of the graduate committee, except for meetings or portions of meetings in which specific graduate students are discussed. If asked to do so by a student, the graduate representatives also act as spokespeople in the case of student grievances or student-professor conflicts.
The Department Chairs
The department chairs are the heads of both the academic and administrative units of the Department of Political Science and the Department of Sociology & Anthropology. They have ultimate responsibility for the graduate program and for ensuring that the program conforms to the rules established by the University senate.