Campus Work & Support Services

There are a number of facilities on campus to help you complete your work while staying connected to the departments and to your colleagues in the program.

Workspace Options

While you might like working off campus, there are a number of facilities reserved especially for you on campus:

Blackwood Hall

You can request access to study rooms in Blackwood Hall, email the graduate program assistant for details.

Graduate Study Rooms

McLaughlin Library has individual study rooms reserved for graduate students. You can book a room for up to four hours a day. Book a graduate study room.

Open Workspace

The basement of the library, where the government documents are located, is a great place to study as it is both spacious and quiet.


You will be assigned a University of Guelph email account and password. Your email address is the University's primary source of communication with you. Please make sure to check your email on a regular basis.

Your email username and password will give you access to CourseLink, electronic journals through the library and other services.

Research Assistance

Librarians are experts in research methods and strategies for accessing materials and are essential in your research skill development. Make a point of utilizing the librarians at the reference desk in the library.

Additional resources:

Tech Support

Computing and Communication Services (CCS) provides a wide range of statistical, word-processing and other computer applications. The CCS IT Help Desk is located on the first floor of the Library. Drop in for support or call the the helpline: 519-824-4120, ext. 58888.

Housing & Student Life

Visit Student Housing Services for information about on-campus housing.

There is a graduate lounge on the fifth floor of the University Centre that serves food and drinks at reasonable prices. In addition, there are athletic facilities, health and counseling services and daycare services available. We encourage you to take full advantage of these resources.

Get involved with the Graduate Students' Association for various services, advocacy, and events.

Visit the Experiential Learning Hub for career services and job hunting support.