Graduation, Leave of Absence & Withdrawal
Application for Graduation
Once you have defended your thesis or completed your coursework you must file an Application for Graduation form, available from the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.
Leave of Absence
If you decide to take some time off from the program, you must submit a Leave of Absence form. This is subject to the graduate coordinator's review and recommendation. The leave of absence must be for a specified period of time (not to exceed one year) and must be approved by the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.
During a leave of absence, it is understood that you will not use University of Guelph resources, either personnel or physical, in connection with your graduate studies.
If you must permanently withdraw from the program, you must complete a Withdrawal Notice form. In this instance, the approving department officer will be the graduate coordinator.
Early Completion Rebate Application
If completion of your work has been delayed by some unexpected event, you must pay tuition for the following semester. If you complete your requirements within the first six weeks of the following semester, you will qualify for a rebate (a percentage of your tuition based on a tuition rebate schedule).
You must complete an Early Completion Rebate Application form.
The medical insurance premium is not refundable. The effective date of the rebate calculation is when all degree requirements are complete including receipt of library clearance and submission of a copy of your thesis to the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.
Students continuing a GTA/GRA/GSA appointment to the end of the semester or remaining in the department in order to use library and department facilities will not qualify for a rebate. Also, students must remain registered in order to hold scholarships.
International students should obtain rebate information and the proper form from the international student advisor, Centre for International Programs.